Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Ride it!

Today I took my 26 year old Land Rover to get my 20 year old bike to a local trail, to have some fun in the trails. It was a great morning, creeks have water, plenty of mud and challenging (for me, probably easy for a young'n).
Anyway, if you have it, ride it! it's fun to get out there.

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Head Gasket

 So after leaking about 5 liters of coolant in less than 200 miles, I decided that the head gasket was only going to get worse, so I decided to just do it at about 193k miles. It looks like they have done it before, and I suspect it was done wrong, reason why it was leaking coolant, no oil contamination no overheating AFAIK, compression was meh, but not really bad, so it was just going to get worse.

It took me a few days of work (few hours a day) the heads were done by ADV in the valley, we'll see how they do long term. But the good news is that today it started right up, smooth and so far so good. I will drop the pan tomorrow (oil was fresh but I want to change and clean it all to be on the safe side).

If it all holds well, it's time to start taking this Disco on a little trip to test it off road.

A few pics: