it's been around a month since I started driving the Disco Tdi. It's been great so far.
The Land Rover seems to be in pretty decent health, no big leaks, just a tiny one out of the transmission radiator, I took care of it. Did some minor things too like new stereo, speakers, some bulbs, grease up doors and so on. Overall, everything looks fine.
I need to get some decent tires and a lift, but it can wait.
So our first trip was in this scorching heat to Teruel to run the bulls (vaquillas del Angel) and then some turism to visit Dinopolis and Albarracin. Also, we went to pick up some fruit to our family's land in Torrealta.
It has been very disappointing to see some of my favorite trails closed, but it's fire season and I kind of understand... It's sad that for the most of us who love 4x4 and exploring, but respect the environment, the country side is closed, but it seems to be the way things go this days, we offroaders are the bad guys, when there is no serious attempt to provide solutions just ban us.
Anyway, as you can imagine little to no offroad this time, but the truck behave great, fully loaded, uphill downhill, A/C on, etc. I am very happy with it.
Let me share some pictures:
This is in the first few minutes of the Vaquillas, family pictures with some great background, Teruel, my home town is just so beautiful:
Note to shelf: Next time, try to focus the camera when a bull is coming to you and there is no barrier between you and the animal:
This one, after all the parties and stuff, in Dinopolis, I couldn't resist to show what looks like a Santana Series IV, for the NCLR guys, check my shirt:
Another day, in Albarracin:
Opposite view from the top:
One of my favorite spots:
Some of the little offroading I was able to do:
Nice views:
It was a very nice trip, despite the lack of offroading, but it's more important to have fun and share it with your loved ones.
Hope you like my hometown, drive properly and respect nature.