regarding the passenger seat, the motor that handles the reclining part is dead, it wouldn't move and will take the Volts down, probably too much crap in there. As removing it without removing the seat is hard, I plugged my drill into the cables to adjust the seat to a reasonable position and I am done for now.
After making the stereo work, I realized the speakers are pretty much useless: 2 dead ones on the back, 2 almost dead in the front doors and 2 way rusty although good in the lower end of the front doors. Oh well, I'll have to replace them all, I am wondering where could I get something cheap that works OK?
The sunroof on my RRC wasn't working for 2 reasons, the headliner and the roof. The roof itself had been beaten very badly, I tried to fix it, but there is always something that could touch the sliding mechanism. Also, the design is not too good, so the whole set headliner-sunroof is just too heavy, too easy to get stuck and not so easy to move. I decided to try without the headliner part and it flies now! I got no Voltage on the microswitch, so next day, I'll see what is going on, I suspect the ground because the fuse is intact and the motor worked before, plus I get no V on the cables so it is either the 12V or Gnd failing. Then again, I'll find out.
I tried to plan a little route to Ojai this Saturday but the offroad trails are closed. I really wanted to take my daughter wheeling in her birthday!
I'll see if I can get anything else around here not too extreme so she could come along and maybe even the little one.
ENOUGH said.