it happened!
After the first weekend, I know this truck much better.
Miles on the clock 50,658 (not real, of course)
This is what I did:
- Whole inside out (well, mostly) deep cleaning including headliner, plugging back lose cables, *lots* of dirt, but *lots*, probably hadn't been cleaned since 89 :)
- Fixed the coolant level sensor (the cable inside was corroded)
- Fixed driver door lock mechanism.
- Fixed read tailgate lock mechanism.
- Check levels.
- Knock the roof back up, it was badly bump, probably dancing on the roof kind of action ;)
- Replaced clock
- Replaced driver side security belt.
- Replaced driver side rubber seal around the door
Standing issues:
-Rust on driver's door, big hole in the floor, oh well, nothing too bad, but a hole is a hole, I'll have to fix it one day
- Lights on instrument cluster won't work
- Some bulbs not working
- Sunroof stuck again.
- I'll check the swivel pin housing levels.
- Install radio-cassette
- Central locking mechanism.
Well, it could be worse for a 1989 RRC.